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My courses are structured such that students push beyond basic memorization and instead are able to actively apply core concepts in their thinking, speaking, and writing. Every person possesses unique knowledge.

I work to create an environment in which students may learn not just from my exposition, but through their own personal experiences and those of their classmates. I emphasize the importance of economic concepts to everyday life and how the lessons apply to business, domestic policy, and international affairs. I utilize a variety of media and in-class activities to demonstrate key lessons in a way that captures student attention and makes the concepts more easily accessible.
It is my hope that my passion for economics and learning will help to engage students such they cultivate their own passions, explore their curiosities, and learn to actively question and analyze the world around them.
My upper-level courses in Public Choice Economics and Defense and Peace Economics look to engage students in active, meaningful research on important contemporary policies. I frequently work with students on honors theses, independent studies, and joint research projects.

Using clips from television and film, we see how concepts like opportunity cost, diminishing marginal utility, and externalities are present in our everyday lives.

Brave whalers from the Microeconomic Principles "Whale Wars Game."
Using various colored fish, prices, and the "ocean" of our classroom, we discuss the importance of private property rights and the "tragedy of the commons."
(from left for right: R. Ly, G. Azzam, K. Klink, A. Salame)

Discussing the issues surrounding the planning and implementation of foreign aid, we learn how economics provides a unique and powerful analytical tool for a variety of important domestic and international issues.

One of my students and his fellow teammates present their pitch for their company Optimarket as part of the Hult Prize competition at the University of Tampa. Winning this round, they're elligible to compete in the regional competition! Their firm looks to facilitate coordination between buyers and sellers in urban slums in an effort to increase income and reduce poverty.

Using candy as our natural resources, students learn how different preferences and free trade increase wealth.
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